
Party Ideas from Baby Shower to the First Birthday

Keeping up with all modern trends and party ideas may be in some way difficult, but cute trends such as preparing a baby shower especially for your first child or thinking every new year which costumes to buy and 1st birthday room decoration ideas to have a unique themed party can never be that much energy draining or ‘hard’. Everyone wishes to have nice photos that will serve as sweet memories even after two or three decades and the nice-looking party is a contributor to general overlook. Some people hire professionals to help them with all the tasks if they are thinking about some parties which will include relatives, coworkers and similar but generally it is possible to make successful low-budget parties as well.

It is obvious that a birthday party will differentiate a bit from a baby shower; thus, you can look through the concept of both by reading the article and if you are a parent who is just starting to think of organizing one of these events in the name of your little one, you can get some inspirational vibes too.

Baby Shower – History, Traditions, How to Organize One, All Party Ideas?

Origin of the baby shower ideas were never clearly specified, although it is known that celebrations of pregnancy and special preparations to welcome a new member in the family have been present for centuries in different cultures. From the renaissance,

Victorian era and especially throughout the whole 20th century ‘the baby showers’ have evolved and became an inseparable part of welcoming a new life into the family.

It is said that a baby shower manifests as good and well done if the pregnant lady was showered with love, happiness, and positive vibes from the side of everybody

participating and doing the organization. It may not be clear how baby shower fever has spread all around the world, through all different nations and religions since firstly it was a tradition which was marked in the USA. However, many bring it together with globalization, the appearance of the internet and especially social media. With social media even, the baby shower did not stay as a single party or celebration before the birth of the baby. In the most recent years ‘gender revelation’ parties have become equally popular. And while these parties usually occur around the 4th or 5th month of

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the pregnancy, right after the couples learn about gender or reassure it; baby showers tend to take place around 4-6 weeks prior to the baby’s birth.

Some families decide to have their party with the inner circle, some make it more formal; some even make their own rules regarding the shower. Thus, while some keep it undesignated and free, just ready to share the joy and the piece of cake, other ones may prepare special requests for the dress code or express the wish which 1st birthday gifts they would like to get. It is known that baby showers are more predestined for mothers but it’s not uncommon that fathers or closer male relatives take part too.

Organization of the baby shower also varies from the number of guests so if you decide to have a baby shower without exclusion you may decide to rent a venue or a restaurant where you would have more space for decorations, food and all the gifts.

First Birthday Party – Where, How, Whom to Invite, All Party Ideas?

Organizing a first party for your little one can present one of the most joyful preparations for something during life. You will look closely at all the details, counting which clothes you will pick for your child, what will be the main color prevailing on the event, how you will choose the best pastry cook in the town for the most delicious 1st birthday cake ideas and sweetly shaped cupcakes. Of course, this whole story will depend on the budget, yet it is not strange to hear that someone will tend to save some money upon the first birthday to make a party with a proper look.

When it comes to the first birthday party you will probably look up online for ideas about distinctive themes that have not been used that much. Anyhow, some of the most famous themes that easily come on anyone’s mind and that never lose on their popularity are themes that include Barbies, Mickey, and Minnie (all the Clubhouse), Spiderman and other superhero character-based themes, Animal Kingdom, Safari, Frozen etc.

Some of these characters may be an inspiration for you or you can choose something closer to your kid, like decorations that remind of his/her favorite toy, or you can add a personal touch to a party by printing your kids photos and making collage of them for instance. If you are about to raise boy and girl twins then you’ll need a lot more of all these toys and stuff.

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Recently, especially for the kids who celebrate their birthday during the summer, outdoor venues have turned out to be great since that will be a way to avoid crowds, kids will enjoy the fresh air and most certainly they will have more places to enjoy in games which support their motoric and cognitive skills development.

Ceremonies and traditions that are related to the celebration of the first birthday are especially exclusive in Asian cultures – primarily in China and Korea, where a game of picking the tool related to profession gives a belief to parents and family that the child

has chosen his future profession. In other nations such Indian custom is to shave children’s heads boldly during the day of the first birthday.

Whatever happens during the celebration the kids certainly won’t remember; so the number of guests, place, picking the colors depends just on you – parents. It is up to you to know if your child will feel relaxed in front of 10 people or in front of 50 people and according to that to do the invitations. It is not uncommon to see on some viral videos how 1 year old ones throw tantrums or spend quite much of the whole party time crying, so it is up to parents to know how they will deal through these situations and at the same time to try to ‘entertain’ guests. There will be tons of ways to present 1st birthday entertainment ideas.

Party For a Kid or a Party for Parents?

Going closely with previous sentences is a line, a question that some curious minds often bring up for open discussions. Logically thinking it is not strange to think about this because some parents decide to separate big amounts of money on the first birthday party, sometimes just to satisfy the expectations or to produce the appearance for social media forgetting the basic idea behind celebrating one’s birthday (celebrating the life, and one more year that passed within it).

Critics try to put the parents as selfish, because it appears that the whole party is being done just for them and not for the babies.

Some people hire professional photographers, extra nannies, caterers – a whole army of people who will work for them on this special day, recalling the wedding celebrations.

Which Gifts Go Better for Which Part Ideas?

The gifts that are given to the baby and the family can be in the form of products that will create memories and whose value will grow over time, or in the form of practical ones that make it easier for mother and father the first days with a newborn baby. Gifts

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are often bought in groups of 4 or 5 persons who come to the shower so that the price is more affordable, and the wishes of the mother and father are fulfilled.

All gifts that are usually given for the baby shower are consisted of products that will be used for the baby in the first six months of the life – specially prepared cotton fabrics that will be used instead of diapers, swaddles, body lotions and shampoos, woolen blankets, baby clothes, first rattle boxes and similar. Closer relatives can decide for bit more expensive gifts such as: electric swing, hand carrier, feeding stool, music decorations for the baby bed since your baby needs music inside and outside the womb. Mothers-to-be can also follow some tips about music for pregnancy.

Before purchasing the gift, except for the circumstances you can take in consideration the personalities of mother and father and according to that to buy a gift. Someone will fall in love with some handcraft maybe, such as knitted socks or some wooden toy

whereas some other people will stay extra happy if they get some branded piece of clothes for their baby.

Same rule can also be applied for the first birthday party too, yet at this point if you’re a guest at the party you may focus more deliberately on the toys and buy something of your choice.

At the age of one baby slowly shifts towards walking phase thus most probably an ideal present for the child of that age would be some kind of walker, protectors for furniture corners in housing or some seasonal clothing.

A Message to The Party Planner?

(Do not stress yourself, it will all look fine.)

If you are reading this and you are a party planner you probably are aware till now that – being a party planner or any event planner equals obtaining high stress levels. Some parents can be extra demanding, but all the demands come as a figure of reaching perfection and putting to the display all those birthday party ideas they had in head. For small parties parents themselves may be planners, but the hired planners are the one that get headaches before the final day. A little piece of advice, after seeing many parties is to just go with the flow and do your best because no matter what planner does, there are still chances that the parents won’t be satisfied 100%.